Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Please join the non-academic technical services librarians for an open-forum catharsis session on Tuesday, July 11th, 5:15-6:15 PM, in the America’s Center Room 266.

Discussion is expected to be lively with moderator and Group Chair, Joni Cassidy of Cassidy Cataloguing and speakers Ralph Monaco, Librarian and Executive Director of the New York Law Institute, Elaine Egan, Director of Library Services at Epstein, Becker & Green (NY), Doris A. Dingley, Director of Library & Research Services at Lindquist & Vennum (Minneapolis) and Donna Rosinski-Kauz of Cassidy Cataloguing.

The speakers will talk briefly about software upgrades and migrations in their libraries, how to smooth the path for staff and user transition while minimizing the incidents of violent behavior (just kidding). Donna will offer suggestions on how to interview vendors. After their comments, the discussion will be opened to the audience for the remainder of the hour. Bring your questions and advice and join the fun!

1 comment:

  1. If it is possible I would be pleased to receive the presentation “WORST-CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL PREP : UPGRADES AND MIGRATIONS” and PLL-SIS Tech Services Group Chair Joni Cassidy´s presentation on Tuesday, July 17th, on the library software marketplace. I know the Dutch market and upgrades and migrations problems and would be pleased to compare them with the US market.

    I thank you in advance.
    Hans de Man
