Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blogging as a Dinosaur

Baby Boomers don't necessarily have technological difficulties. However, they did not grow up computing. They encountered it maybe in their 30's. While dogs with a few years on them can learn new tricks, it's more of a challenge. For example, passwords can be particularly bothersome. Often you cannot use your favorite or usual password. The service may require a different format, more numbers or longer or whatever. Then the Dinosaur can find his/herself with dozens of variant passwords to remember. That is what happened to me when I tried to sign up for TS-SIS blogging. To my dismay, I found out that I had three Blogspot Accounts, two for the old version and one for the Google version. As an infrequent blogger, I had created new accounts when I didn't have time to unravel the Blogspot help screens and email messages which can be circuitous.

But, I can now logon!!! And I will gladly delete this silly posting if I get even one negative comment!!!

Go Dinosaurs!

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